Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014

Day at the Museum

Mmhh, trying to copy a movie title, but it turn to be common normal. Hwkwk

Well, then let's begin the story.

Me and friends had a day off and we agreed to spent by having a vacation. And our decision is, Angkut Museum (Transportation Museum) which is a new travel site on Batu City, near Malang. The ticket cost is 75k/ person.

Waiting for the open gate, we decided to have lunch first. Yeah, it's a good decision, cause that place is really huge. You'll need extra energy to visit and enjoy every corner.

beside the river, waiting for lunch. Mmmh, no. Waiting the opening time of the food stall.

replacing good spot to recharging the phone battery, and still, waiting that opening time. *kruyuuk*

Okay, there are so many studio there. It's kindly hard to write it down here cause as far as I remember, we spent almost the whole time by taking selfie. Well done.

But I'll try to make some detail, but if something missing please forgive and understanding why. Hehe

1st, studio that has so many antique land transport. Or not? haha, it's truly hard.
there are so many fancy and old car, and also kind of palace cart. Really look blink blink.





Second we went upstairs. There are a very old-school vehicle, traditional ones. And on the terrace, there is a monument of Apollo 11. The fun thing is, if we want to get the feel of Neil Armstrong we can take the stair to going up. I am not sure how height it is, but it is the highest monument there. And the bonus is, we can feel the cool wind and beautiful scenery of Batu.

After that, we made a move to air transportation and sea transportation. There are so many model of aeroplanes and ships. I am sorry for not giving any detail, but don't worry they all have the information for every model.

selfie first XD

in front of Titanic Ship Model

Forgot what the name of the ship -_-

another massive brain -_-

Perahu Pantai Selatan. How could you translate that? South Beach Ship?

Wall of.. what?

Next step, we went to such a road in 70-80's era, I guess. Interesting. They complete it with the building itself. It looks like Pecinan (Chinese Village).

Next destionation is a full antique and fancy car. Beautiful. Want to take one. Haha

Pass that studio, is a kind of US nuisance. Very hardly impressive. We took so many pictures here. Haha

Pass that zone, we welcomed by Europe style. France, Italy, German. And Holland. Nice. Nice.

You need a really extra time to enjoy all. My advice is, do not having any appointment after visiting this. Or you will be late. Or the worst is, you can't enjoy this.
Trust me. It works.

Hmm, seems like I did show a lot :D

Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014


For some quite along time I didn't post something. Too bad cause I have so many to share, it's just time that did not let the show.

Well, right now I'll post something really HOT. Cause I just got yesterday. Hot from the oven. Haha

It happen on a city called Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia. I've got a project here, and coincidentally my college friends had a survey there. And the awesome thing is, they got to go to Bromo and they offer me to join. Such a chance!!
My first time went there was when I was at second year of high school. It didn't bring bright memory cause I had a painful stomach-ache. So then, I want to turn that memory better.
So, the D-day, me and friends went from the hotel at 2 am, and got there at 4 am. We need to rent a kind of off-road vehicle. Ah, we were group of 5 including me. Just imagine, we rode that on a dark sahara with their dust flew freely. It kind of a little bit late, the destination was already full with the same kind off-road vehicle. It such a hard time to found a park itself.  
Parking succeed, and we climbed up to the Peak 1. I am not sure, how the temperature degree at that time, but I've got my nose watering, it's kind a rare for me who lived in tropic country.
And the Peak 1 was already full by people. So many people around the world. Ah, it's weekday but it's such a full.
Then, here is the appearance I want to show you off.

past the sunrise time. already bright. 

prove we've gone there!

such a quite amazing friend. he wore a short pan in a very cold and windy weather.

need to take selfie before went down.

got to get a better spot to record the moment. sorry, already full of tourist anywhere.

taken by my digital camera. a truly calendar wallpaper.. 


Thought it just the end. But not. Such a surprise, friends delivered me to Mount Bromo itself. Guys, actually I had bad feeling about that. Cause, the crime scene I had before was there. I've got to walk so far, and climbed the stairs and at the top of mount, the sulphur scent smell so bad. And the worst was I've got stomach-ache because of woman period. So, don't you agree that I've ever had a very bad memory about that??
But then, I decided to try again. Probably, the positive mind can bring the positive result. Plus, I didn't get woman period that time.

But, the fact was..
The parking area is farther than hmmmmm around 8 years ago. And it's windy, so we've got such dusty storm there. But still, it's so much much better and I can enjoy more and more than my first time.
Here is the prove.

tired from walking such a far route, decide to ride a horse. and it even scarier. my stiff expression -_-

but still, got realize from taking a picture, smile :)
and I start to like the horse :[

after the horse ride time, SELFIE. Thanks God, nothing bad happen.

FIGHTING. Hold the sight and just look the up.

Yeay! We were on the top and still having SELFIE time.

Take a selfie again when we climb down.

that was when we took a break when we climbed up.

this was a very beautiful appearance. look like a sahara desert. The storm, really wow.

another appearance. Fighting gays

that's the top of Mount Bromo. The sulphur smell was such an incredible woww

Thanks GOD for making this wonderful site. You are really SUPERIOR.

Our last destination was not far from Mount Bromo. Passing Pasir Berbisik (Wishper Sand), we arrived at Teletubbies Hill. Why it called that? Because and just only because, it look like the legendaries hill on Teletubbies series.

Hmmm. Quite similar, right? just been agree. XD

ah. such a stiff pose.

awkward pose again. the reason is, my digital camera had an error time cause of the storm before :(

but well then, just been realized, the view was so amazing, even taken with the a little bit error camera.

Well, yeah. Fun travel right???
Just close the page and found out yourself!

Selasa, 09 September 2014

How will you feel when you have a baby?

Lupakan benar tidaknya frase yang saya tulis ya. Yang penting, maksudnya adalah gimana perasaan Anda-anda nantinya waktu punya bayi?

I am still single, fyi.
Just in case, if you're curious. Hehehe

Bulan juli tahun ini, keluarga kami bertambah anggota. Kakak laki-laki saya memiliki anak pertama. Sewaktu detik-detik kelahiran, jujur saya tidak berada di tkp. Saya menunggu di rumah. Berdebar-debar. Bahkan setelahnya, setelah mendengar cerita kelahiran yang begitu dramatis -dan saya yakin semua akan terlihat seperti itu- saya masih berdebar-debar. Bukan saya sih yang memiliki bayi, tapi saya -sangat amat- ikut merasakan euforianya.

Namanya Ahza, cowok. Artinya, yang beruntung. Sedikit mirip dengan nama ayahnya -kakak saya. Saya pertama kali melihat bentuknya dari display picture kontak bbm kakak. Putih, dan pipinya kemerahan. Ah. Berasa langsung jatuh cinta. Don't know why.
Rasa-rasanya seperti perasaan Jacob pada Renesmee (Twilight tetralogi). Oke, berlebihan. Haha

Lahir lewat operasi besar, mungkin kakak masih jetlag, ia terhenyak ketika sang bayi dibawa keluar sebelum dimasukkan ke ruang bayi. Kakeknya -ayah saya- langsung menghadang perawat dan meminjam si bayi sejenak. Membisikkan adzan padanya.

Menjelang subuh, orang tua saya pulang. Dan memes kemudian meminta saya mengantarkan beliau ke rumah sakit segera setelah menyiapkan segalanya. Bahkan beliau belum duduk dan istirahat. Saya tanya, "kenapa buru-buru? selimut buat apa?"
Beliau menjawab, "kasihan mbakmu menggigil waktu keluar dari ruang operasi,"
Ah. Memes emang perhatian abis. *proud*

Sampai di rumah sakit, saya segera menuju kamar dan menemukan kakak ipar saya tengah tidur nyenyak. Kakak dan ibu mertuanya sedang menyiapkan segalanya di ruangan. Ah, suami siaga. Kemudian kami menggelar tikar dan bercengkrama. Si ibu besan bercerita dengan sedikit menahan air matanya. "Saya sangat bersyukur lho, Mbak.. Nduk dapat suami yang perhatian. Mertua yang setia nunggu proses kelahiran. Ah.. nduk beruntung," saya sedikit terharu mendengarnya, pun ketika saya menuliskannya disini. Ibu yang duduk di sebelah beliau, langsung merangkulkan tangan, berusaha menenangkan.
Ah, saya pun ingin seperti itu kelak.

Kemudian, baru sekitar pukul 9 pagi, bayi boleh diambil. Sewaktu itu ada saya, kakak, dan adiknya kakak ipar, serta seorang keponakan yang masih SMP yang dengan penuh semangat ke ruang bayi. Tapi begitu sampai di tempat, tak ada satupun dari kami yang pernah menggendong bayi sebelumnya. Jadilah kami kembali ke kamar dan memanggil sepupu -ibu keponakan saya- Hahahaa. Lucu.

Jadilah, ini wujud si Ahza.
Ini sebenarnya dokumen pribadi sih, tapi menurut pengalaman ada baiknya juga diunggah disini sekaligus sebagai arsip. Hehe

wajah si bapak baru

si tole ini pinter banget meniru ekspresi *mirror*

imut banget pake baju kayak gitu ><

ini tole Ahza udah di jakarta. Pusing mikir utang negara. Hwkwk

Yak, gitu doang sih.
Jadinya, kembali pada judul. Gimana sih perasaan Anda kalau punya bayi? 
Rasa-rasanya pengen cepet punya sendiri deh. 