Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

[new job alert] STALKER

Many thanks to internet, I've got a new job.

Besides as a new hobby, surfing around the sites, it'll become a new task, stalking. GDI.
I love to surf, google-ing about what I like, what I love, what I hate, or anythings I need to know. A couples time visit a downloading sites like kshownow (about korean variety show), or idfl.us (about movie and serial), or youtube (this is all of you know it for sure). While then still I check my status on facebook or twitter, or like this, visiting my blog, or another blogs. By the way, there was a good ones, GNFI (http://goodnewsfromindonesia.org/) or you can follow the twitter @GNFI; berrybenka (http://berrybenka.com) no I'am not promoting some fashion stuff or what, I just love to visit cause it's so stunning :D and some a little bit clumsy-clever jokes for the other island 9gag (http://9gag.com/). For sure, they are my button from this so many wide world. Hmmmm.. now I know why the word "www" refers to "world wide web". Cause it's web (net), it's wide, cause around the world. Hahaha. Yeay.

Okay, back then.
A while ago, I made a very clumsy action. I check the site of the person I like on the past time. Hmmm, it's not my ex actually.
First, here on my heart and my mind, I was so curious, what he doing, how are him right now, who's his GF, where he stay, aaarghh.. some kind like that. Curious, yes. After a few minute, it's so tickling. Then I closed that site in a hurry.
Ohh GDI. Why I can not loose that story????
Hmmm, no.. no.. I dont need to loose it, I just need to hang it, as my rearview mirror (kaca spion).
Yupp.. I tell my self like that.

But then I realized, that's not a proper action as a rearvew mirror. It's kind like... addicted? Oh NO. Pls.

Well, enough than.
Stop about that. I'll get so dizzy.
Minutes later, I'll check my favourite sites again. Hahahahaa

HIDUPP GUEE!!! dah pokoknya,

Why do I do care? 

4 komentar:

  1. nengok ke blogmu setelah sekian lama..sekalian mampir buat kasih makan ikan2 di bawah hoho

    kepo itu normal lee..aku jg pernah *lhaaa :p

    1. haha..
      makasih sdh ikut menjaga ikanku yg ginuk2..

      hmmm, sedih juga jadinya. udah case closed lama soalnya tuhh -_-
      hahaha.. kayaknya jaman sekarang kalo gak kepo berati nganggurin internet yaa..

    2. ho lha lapo sedih...anggap aja sbg pengalaman buat cerita ke anak cucu *asek

    3. hahahaa..
      diambil sebagai pengalaman sih masih okee niss, bisa buat memory,,
      tp kalo buat anak cucu kelak kayaknya enggak aja dah, maluu broo.. hahaha
